Completed Training Programmes - 2022    
Training of Trainers programme on Application of participatory techniques for planning and managing rural development programmes (PRA) for the District Agricultural Directors and Development officers at the Department of Agriculture
10  awareness programme for rural women and youth farmers on opportunities to becoming agri-entrepreneurs in Kurunegalla & Badulla districts    
05 programmes on  household food security for communities in peri urban areas at Kegall district    


  Completed Training Programmes - 2021
  Detalis of Training programmes conducted by ETD in 2021


completed training 2014

Completed Training Programmes - 2013

  1. Training programme on application of Participatory techniques (RRA, PRA and PCM) for planning and management of Rural/Community Development project (06 programs)
  2. Training programme on social mobilization (04 Programmes)
  3. Training programme on Training Methodology (02 Programmes)
  4. Training of farmer leaders on strengthening of farmer organizations (50 programs)
  5. Leadership and skill development training programme (04 Proragmes)
  6. Training Program on farmer Empowerment (Nature Farming) (20 Programs)
  7. Dayata Kirula Training of farmer leaders on strengthening of farmer organizations (20 programs)
  8. Study on socio economic impact of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology

Completed Training Programmes - 2010

Completed Training Programmes - 2010

  1. Training Programme on application of participatory techniques (RRA, PRA, and PCM) for planning and management of rural/community development project    (04 Programmes)
  2. Training Programme on social mobilization (04 programmes)
  3. Training Programme on adult training methodology (03Programmes)
  4. Training Programme on marketing extension (03 Programmes)
  5. Farmer convention
  6. International Training programme on Management of rural Drinking water and Sanitation Projects (NIRD/CIRDAP and HARTI colloborative training)


Completed Training Programmes - 2009

Completed Training Programmes - 2009

  1. Training Programme on application of participatory techniques (RRA, PRA, and PCM) for planning and management of rural/community development project
  2. Regional training programme on new and emerging challengers in rural development for addressing poverty alleviation
  3. Training Programme of marketing extension






harti bann